Sunday, March 24, 2013

4.0 and beyond

Kamailio is flying, and the time with it, already two weeks since the release of v4.0!

Last months I was very busy getting Kamailio-SER integration finished (i.e., removing duplicated modules) and correlated with the usual business and traveling agenda, effectively this blog, with few exceptions, was just mirroring news from Kamailio project.

v4.0 is rocking, with excellent feedback from community, especially from WebRTC enthusiasts playing around with WebSocket support in Kamailio. IMS extensions are attracting many eyes as well, being one of the very few open source implementations out there.

Development for v4.1 is at full speed already, a new module is available in master branch (app_java - embedded java code execution), one on its way (cnxcc - credit control/prepaid system) and another one in developer personal branch (ims_ro - RO prepaid accounting interface for IMS). Besides those, many old modules have been worked on, such as snmpstats, usrloc, tm, p_usrloc, sca, carrierroute, ... Team is growing as well, two new people got on board recently: Hugh Waite and Carlos Ruiz Diaz.

My next big milestone is Kamailio World Conference, just about 3 more weeks and the event starts in Berlin, Germany. All signs predict a successful show, agenda is completed (just few bits to be adjusted), participation exceeded the initial planned capacity, with attendees from small and medium companies to large telcos and mobile operators, from pretty much all over the world (North and South America, Asia, Africa and Europe). But the real work with organization starts now on the fields, next three weeks will keep me a lot out of the office.

For the next months, besides coding for Kamailio v4.1 (expect some surprising goodies to be announced) and business activities, I plan to spend more time on catching up what is happening around. Among my top priorities:
  • review what is new in the SIP phones world - it's been quite a while since I analyzed what, if any, appealing features were brought by vendors with latest firmwares and devices
  • dedicate more time on federated SIP - following the panel as Fosdem, it is time to increase the federating of real time communication (RTC) services, email proved it can be done
  • blog more about RTC technologies, with or without relation to Kamailio project
Therefore keep an eye on this site. If you plan to attend Kamailio World Conference, ping me to arrange for a chat!

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