Today we moved the source code management away from an old server to a new infrastructure, based on Github. The main GIT repository that all developers use for development of Kamailio is now on a new address. The web link to it is:
The old server that was hosted by us became very old and is going to be decommissioned very soon.
For users (that cloned read-only from in the past) – it should be no change – just be sure that the DNS change has been propagated to you, because is pointing now to another server which has a real-time clone of Github repository. To know if DNS was updated on your side, browse to:
an you must be directed to Gitlist web interface:
If you end up in an URL with gitweb on it, the DNS cache on your side is still pointing to the old server.
The listed kamailio and sip-router projects are the same (the second is kept for historical reasons and it is a symlink to the first).
Gitweb is also running on the mirror, so the links from the email notifications of old commits are valid:
Once the DNS is updated, pulling/fetching in an existing clone done from should just work.
For developers – it requires to change the remote URL of your local clone to point to Github repository. Github provides access methods via git/ssh or https: as an example of switching the remote URL to Github repository and do the push via https, got you your local clone directory and do:
git remote set-url origin
Check the change with:
git remote -v
You should see:
origin (push)
origin (fetch)
When you try to push, it should ask you for your Github username and password. For Github repository access, see more details at:

From now on all new commits will be pushed to github!
Hopefully the migration is going to be smooth for everyone!