Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Kamailio Advanced Training, Sep 28-30, 2015, in Berlin

Next European edition of Kamailio Advanced Training will take place in Berlin, Germany, during September 28-30, 2015.
The content will be based on latest stable series of Kamailio 4.3.x, released in June 2015, the major version that brought a large set of new features.
The class in Berlin is organized by Asipto  and will be taught by Daniel-Constantin Mierla, co-founder and core developer of Kamailio SIP Server project.
Read more details about the class and registration process at:
Looking forward to coordinating the training session in Berlin!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Kamailio and Docker

Containers have become rather popular lately and Docker is the technology leader. Containers make it easy to prototype and test, but many see them as a way to scale on demand, therefore pushing towards production deployments.
Searching the web about Kamailio and Docker reveals plenty of resources, from bare dockerfiles to detailed blog articles to combine Docker, Kamailio and other VoIP applications such as Asterisk.
Here are links to such resources:
Some Docker resources exist for Siremis, the web management interface for Kamailio:
Note that we haven’t explicitly tested those resources, it is up to you to select one, adjust and test as you need. This post has the role to provide a starting point for using Kamailio with Docker.
If you are aware of other resources relevant for Kamailio and Docker, write to mailing list  to get them listed here.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

ClueCon Follow Up

Another edition of Cluecon conference ended recently in Chicago, a good crowd of VoIP developers spent time together to share what is new around the world for real time communications.
I had a presentation about Kamailio and API driven SIP routing (slideshare– pdf).
Erik Davidson and Gary Kramlich from Corvisa presented a scalable VoIP platform architecture (pdf) relying on Kamailio and FreeSwitch, announcing also the intent of publishing two new modules for Kamailio.
Guys at Kazoo (contributors of kazoo module in Kamailio) gave an update about their open source cloud PBX system.
Hopefully, the video recording of the sessions will be available soon, there were plenty of other sessions referring to Kamailio, which shared interesting concepts for use with real time communication services.