Two weeks and few more days till the start of Kamailio World Conference 2018, to take place again in Berlin, during May 14-16. It will be the 6th edition of the event, hosted like all previous ones by Fraunhofer Forum, courtesy of Fraunhofer Fokus Research Institute, in the beautiful city center of Berlin, just across the river from Berlin Cathedral, few minutes walking from Alexanderplatz.

For this edition we had an increased number of speaking proposals, we tried to accommodate as many as possible from the very interesting ones, therefore we are introducing a group of Lightning Talks, most of them being on Monday, May 14, in the afternoon.
The range of topics is also richer, covering from the common use cases for IP telephony, VoLTE/5G or WebRTC, to scalability on demand with Docker, Blockchains in telecom, use of Redis backend for data sharing among many Kamailio instances, leveraging Lua for call routing and testing or VoIP security.
Related projects in the RTC world are again very well represented: Asterisk, FreeSwitch, Kazoo, SIP:Provider, Homer SIP Capture, Janus Gateway, CGRateS, FusionPBX and reSIProcate.
We continue to have the two interactive sessions that never missed a Kamailio World edition so far:
- VUC Visions coordinated by Randy Resnick – expect again an engaging debate about the future of RTC, the impact of sharing personal data and privacy matters with the Internet giants services or surprise topics brought on table by panelists and audience
- Dangerous Demos coordinated by James Body – prepare your demo and be part of a very entertaining contest that can make you famous as well as reward your work with a prize
A novelty for this edition is an open discussion with Kamailio developers – Ask Me Anything – aiming to get the participants face to face with several main Kamailio developers to chat and clarify any doubts about using or developing the project.
To see the full schedule of the event, visit:
As usual, there will be couple expo spots where the sponsors are going to make demos of their products and services.
We are very grateful to all our sponsors and partners that made possible this edition of Kamailio World Conference: FhG Fokus, FhG Forum, Asipto, Evosip, Netaxis Solutions, 2600hz and KazooCon, Sipwise, Sipgate, Simwood, LOD, Digium, Pascom, Evariste Systems, NG Voice, Core Network Dynamics and VUC.
Should you plan to participate at Kamailio World 2018, do not delay your registration, we expect to be again fully booked – secure your registration now:
Looking forward to meeting many of you in Berlin at Kamailio World 2018!
Thanks for flying Kamailio!
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