Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cluecon 2010 Kamailio Presentations

I uploaded my presentation at Cluecon on the web site, link:
My one and a half day presence in Chicago was surprising good for kamailio and ser - people started to get the real value of the project and catch up with latest features.

Moreover, the first day had a lot of presentation with kamailio and ser (see agenda at:
  • Phillip Zimmermann - did his demo with sip service
  • Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya - a clould based system for telephony
  • Scott Burkett - back-end platform for web telephony
  • Robin Rodrigues - several nice examples using upcoming 3.1 addition: embedded http server
  • Irv Shapiro - ifbyphone platform - programmable telephony applications
  • I ended the list (the link above), no much left for me to say :-) , but I enjoyed chatting before a lot with folks in the breaks
Hopefully these presentations will be soon an event's site. I will try to publish more about each one, they were interesting use cases.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Testing phase for v3.1

The next major release for Kamailio (and SER), v3.1.0, is approaching. As of today, Aug 17, 2010, starts the testing phase. For about 1-1.5 months, the focus is on fixing bugs and tuning the new features added during the last development cycle.

Keep your eyes on following pages to learn how to upgrade from 3.0.x and know what is new in v3.1:

They are going to be updated to reflect properly next version.

Testing and feedback is very much appreciated, email us at:

sr-dev [at]