Wednesday, August 9, 2017

ACC – SQL Define Removed And Diameter Code Relocated

The ACC module (accounting) in Kamailio got a bit of clean up, therefore be aware of following changes:
  • (1) the define conditions on SQL_ACC were removed — this was enabled for more than 10 years and only made the code look complex and hard to follow up its logic.
  • (2) the code related to DIAMETER accounting was relocated to acc_diameter (new) module. It was a consistent size of code that was not enabled for sooo… long. It is now a dedicated module, similar to acc_radius. The diameter accounting code, even a new module now, is in the same stage, compiling but not tested, in pair with auth_diameter module, it may work, but very likely not.
In summary, what’s important for those using the acc module — it offers the same functionality as it was enabled by default in the past 10 years or more: writing accounting records to syslog and sql databases — only the unused code was relocated.
The acc module is now slimmer, only with the code that it needs, therefore easier to maintain and enhance for the future. For any issue, as usual open a report on Github project portal.
Thanks for flying Kamailio!

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